How to move from Brazil to a developed country?
Simply speaking English isn't enough. You need a work visa for another country first. Generally, this requires skills, education and experience they don't have enough of - think STEM at masters degree level
Rona Lachat
A billion on the planet want to move somewhere else. What makes you special over all the others that some country WANTS or NEEDS you. Speaking a language or two or three means what? Can you work in that language? Do you have a University degree in something this other place NEEDS? Some special work experience NEEDED at desired destination? Did you expect moving to some other place to be FREE? Did you expect a job to be handed to you as you step off the plane? You apply for a visa if you qualify. You try. You never move if you do not try. Suggest you at least visit your intended place for a week or two on vacation to see if it is really the place for you. If you cannot afford the vacation you probably cannot afford to move there. Suggest you investigate some of the places your fellow Brazilians have moved too.
I'm Brazilian and you just said lies. Most people aren't religious, they're just religious by status but most don't go to church and most young people are definitely not very religious. Soccer is more a man's things and it's not the most important thing in our lives.
1) get on a plane. 2) get off the plane in another country.
try Portugal.