What’s with this”We want you to be gay”man posting that on my questions?
I know he posts it on other questions but the way he posted in my question screams I’m the primary target whenever he answers with that same answer. He wanted me to kiss him and even worship my feet(back in 2014 Spanish Yahoo Answers) just to later make fun of the fact that I could get murdered in Puerto Rico for being gay(After Kevin Gangster’s propagandist news). And also told me to kill myself, why would I kiss someone like that?You wanted to worship my girly feet and kiss me but also to kill myself?Althoughr I was still skeptical about the foot fetisg part since he could have well just be a serial killer.
Interesting that you are ranting about something that happened years ago. Mention this to your Psychiatrist at this week's appointment. By the way, foot worshiper and gay are two different things.
flashbacks. Move on!!!
By the way, I was 15 when he supposedly wanted me to worship his feet and viceversa.
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