Has there ever been any instances where Tony Abbott forgot which party he works for when he ran for office?
As I recall, Mr. Abbott once said in a statement that he welcomed immigrants by saying “ When people come to Australia...uhh...they join the team” and mother statement where he said “stop the boats”. He sounds like he’s confused with the doctrines from the 2 major political parties and thinks he’s a Labour one day and a liberal the next.
I, myself, am a liberal.
Isaac Hunt
Old Bludger supports welfare which is bludging. That is the ANZAC spirit for you.
Has there ever been instances? No, there hasn't. Thanks for sharing your political affiliation.
old timer
That's how Tony Abbott normally speaks, he has the hesitation and the word urr when he's on the phone or speaking in public or in private, it's always the same.
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