Do you agree Iranian leaders wasted money on terrorism against Israel and made it unconstructed while their people love live in Israel?
Shyster Cooshie Jew
There's a tremendous amount of antisemitism nowadays. Jewish people are not feeling safe like they did 50 years ago. I feel scared!
Local Machine
I think them I-raneans don't give a sheet about Isreal. It's justa jew/victim routine, that's all. We are not biting nomo', thank you
Simple Simon: Typical Muzzie tandem
Typical Muzzie tandem: Question-Quick best answer,,,,, Fillistina did shrunk. In 1922 league of Nations divided the historic Palestine. Arabs got East Palestine (78% of historic), which is called today Jordan. Such state never existed before. Jews got West Palestine, including the West Bank and Gaza(22% of historic). But even this Arabs try to shrink and in addition to Jordanian people, Palestinian people were invented...
Fillistinia never shrank and Is Real never grew.