What do you think about Pro Wrestling Torch stating Dean Ambrose has been long frustrated with the creative direction of his character?
You're looking at big picture accomplishments that ultimately mean nothing without creative follow through. Dean's gimmick is terrible and has been since the Shield split. He went from being wacky guy who fights the authority with hot dog carts to being the guy who draws amazing heat one week with a promo and a turn, to being some dope in a gas mask calling people smelly. While I'm not a huge fan of his in-ring work, he's a great talker and he can hold his own in a match. He's definitely a draw and he's definitely been a merchandise mover over the years. He'll never be a main event guy because he's never booked consistently, and I'll even agree that he's a bit complacent but I don't blame him. When he attacked Seth the crowd lost it. Before the cheap heat of bad mouthing Roman the next week, or the silliness of dressing like a Wyatt and calling fans stinky, Dean Ambrose had heat and momentum for the first time since the last time a Shield member attacked another. Like back then, WWE dropped the ball and backpedaled him into bad booking. Your argument is that WWE put titles and accomplishment on Dean Ambrose's resume and for some tangible reason he hasn't been cut out for a world title run?That's funny because that's my argument too. If you book someone like trash, they'll give it right back to you.