Did you enjoy Minor Hockey?
Yes, all things considered I enjoyed it. I have a really enjoyed playing beer league as an adult, so that has redeemed any issues I had playing house league as a kid. It was my parents who drove me to the rink in the early morning and bought the gear. Thus it's been a privilege that I appreciate.
Leafsfan29-Embrace the drought!
For the most part I enjoyed it up until the point that I realised I had reached my peak as a player by playing up a level. At which point, it wasn't fun and I turned to other interests. But looking back, I enjoyed it. I still love playing (though for how much longer is up for debate; I'm in my mid/late 40's and the last few years I've hit a wall of sorts) when I'm not in pain. I'm glad they're working to make the game safer for young kids (hitting should be part of the game at a certain age level but checking is a skill that has to be taught correctly).