What can a scientist in my Star Wars fan fic be working on?

I’m trying to write a story about a scientist who is working on something in the era of the New Republic. He does not believe in the Force. I just need something for him to be researching. It really isn’t that important to the story; it just has to sound cool and scientific. Also it can’t have already been done in Legends or Canon. I want a fresh idea. It cannot be A time machine A teleporter A matter replicator A singularity Weapon Any type of droid Anything to do with holograms A food synthesizer Anything to do with the Force or Midi-chlorians A shrink ray A freeze ray pico and femtotechnology A Dyson sphere or any type of megastructure. Liquid metal armor or a nano morph Any improvements on the hyperdrive Limb regeneration Hyperspace nullifier Holodeck Knowledge Transfer (Instant learning like in the Matrix) Philosophers Stone Kinetic weapons Solar sail Anything to do with kyber crystals Gene editing Improvements on deflector shields Mech suit Exosuit Gender change Anything to do with anti-aging In canon, during the Empire, scientists were researching methods to control droids, lasers that can punch through deflector shields and ship scale disintigrators. These ideas are therefore taken. Any ideas?

Mark IX

Intradimensional Energy Transfer A Solution To Pikarus Therum. I look forward to reading your story. Of course, if you keep wasting time on small things like this there won't ever be a story, but you have fun anyway


Even in the distant future, the controversy between the "dark matter" model and the "modified Newtonian dynamics" model may persist.

