La diferencia del cuadrado de un número y 10 es igual a 179?
por favor alguien que lo sepa
The difference of the square of a number and 10 is equal to 179? x^2 - 10 = 179 Please someone who knows x = 13 if x^2 - 10 = 159.
Ian H: Translation
Translation: The difference between the square of a number and 10 is equal to 179? x^2 – 10 = 179 x = 3sqrt(21) But it is more likely that the question should have been something like “The difference between 179 and 10 is the square of a number” 179 – 10 = x^2 x = 13
The Gnostic: Lo mejor que puedo hacer es
Lo mejor que puedo hacer es: 13.74477 ...
No one here speaks third world.
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