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A rocket engine consumes 41.4 kg of fuel per second. If the exhaust speed is 2460 m/s, calculate the thrust on the rocket. Please give your answer in kN. 1. 56.01 kN 2. 66.20 kN 3. 61.11 kN 4. 86.57 kN 5. 76.38 kN 6. 81.48 kN 7. 91.66 kN 8. 71.29 kN 9. 101.8 kN 10. 96.75 kN


change in momentum is mV/t = 41.4•2460/1 = 101844 = 101.8 kN and that is the thrust. Impulse (N•s or kg•m/s) is change in momentum, dP Force = dP/dt Impulse dP = ∫ F dt