When you see a user or two who you don't like do you stop answering questions altogether or just leave/log off?


Bad Guy

It probably has been apparent to many here that they clearly are irrelevant to me. I drop by here and there regardless of who's here. Anyone who wants to stir problems with me... I'll personally handle the person myself. Other than that... I move along with answering or asking and that's all there is to it.


There aren't any users that I don't like. But when I see a question or answer that looks incendiary, I tend to pass it over as trolling.




I ignore them and block their ability to respond to my comments. But I've only done that for a couple of people. If it's someone asking a question I just don't answer it.

Elyse Rose

I invite myself to her adobe hut and make love to her.


I avoid them sometimes, like I won't answer their questions or might not answer questions they have. That's it. I'm not gonna let someone stop me from enjoying something I like to do.

Jess C

Sometimes I'll leave, other times I won't care. Depends what mood I'm in.


I would continue as normal unless I got any trouble from them.


Neither. There are users I don't care for, I don't let their presence prevent me from answering questions.


I don't get your question. If I don't find a question worthy of my attention I ignore it. If I see a question that I find I could or want to answer then I will do so. If I see lots of questions from one particular user that is obviously taking the piss. Then again I will ignore them and go on to the next question. I am not going to waste my time blocking people. I simply ignore anything I deem not worthy of my consideration or opinion.


I ignore them and block their ability to respond to my comments. But I've only done that for a couple of people. If it's someone asking a question I just don't answer it.


No. I noticed, after being here for a while, Y!A users have good days and bad days, my self included. *shrugs/it’s ok


Depends on why I don't like them and what they are saying, as well as my wish to stay anyway.

