Can Probation Be Revoked Without a Violation or New Criminal Charge?

So there's been growing tension between me and my P.O. and it's gotten heated between the two of us at times. I haven't committed any new crimes or violated any of the terms or conditions but there's still a little cause for concern for me. Can they file a motion to revoke probation on any grounds besides a violation or new crime? For an example, your P.O. believes that you can't be rehabilitated while on probation or you're an increased safety risk to the general public without a violation or newly committed offense to validate such claims?


Legally, no. Your P.O. can jam you up by charging you with a violation, but if unproven to a judge , your probation will not be revoked. And the P.O. who attempts to do so without basis a lot usually doesn't because it shows he is doing his job improperly and puts his own job and legal liability at risk. They just don't include that tidbit in the movies. That being said, the opinion of the P.O. does matter and can serve to revoke your parole. But parole and probation are two different things. Probation is determined by a judge, parole is determined by the department of corrections.

Pascal the Gambler

You have to actually violate the terms.


Absolutely yes.

Lone Cat

He can always find a reason to violate you. The laws are general enough that the po can do almost anything he wants. The only one who can stop the po is the judge, and by the time you see a judge you've already spent a couple of days in jail. Plus the judge and po are friends, the judge will do what ever the po says. The system is stacked against you. The best thing you can do is to hassle free until probation is over.