Why do I get angry when I hear or see CNN?
Weasel McWeasel
My guess is , because you've drunk the Fox Kool-Aid and are now addicted to fake news.
All their lies. Demand the truth!
That would be due to collective intelligence which said CNN reporting fake news. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_intelligence
cause you dont like what youre hearing or seeing
The Lord Humungus.
bone spurs.
They are not telling you what you want to hear.
Cali d: Because they say the words and phrases like
Because they say the words and phrases like: racist, bigot, white supremacy, house "N-word", dumb "N-word" who can't read, Russia, Russia, Russia, porn-star. And they just literally report negative things and are 100% bias against Trump. They can't even report normally because of it. When they should be talking about: GDP numbers, job growth, economy, stock market, ISIS, N. Korea, black business ownership up, unemployment rate, and in general speak about things that Trump does that are good.
Overly emotional is my answer.
You are allergic to facts.
Bad food
many people get angry with the truth,,your one of them
sheeple are often confused when they drift away from the flock one can say republicans are more confused than ISIS followers ........ FREEDOM !
The First Dragon
Because it is so frustrating to see them getting away with misrepresenting things. But it's not worth it. You can't control what they say, and you ought not to get upset about things you have no control over.
Some people cant handle hearing the truth.
Get a life and leave the fantasy box alone.