How to turn up water pressure?



the pressure you get from the utility can't be "turned up". all you can do if you have utility water is clear your faucets, valves, and faucet screens of accumulated scale [deposits]. if you have a holding tank [well? spring?]

Spock (rhp)

the pressure you get from the utility can't be "turned up". all you can do if you have utility water is clear your faucets, valves, and faucet screens of accumulated scale [deposits]. if you have a holding tank [well? spring?]


where is your water coming from? Don't you think that is needed info? If it's city, contact them. If they say the pressure is OK, get a plumber to look at your piping. If you have a well with a pump, there is a regulator that lets you set the pressure.

boy boy

over here in europe its a common problem ..mainly in mountainous regions ...i have built in europe around the Pyrenees ..a mountain region ..they all suffer from low mains pressure a simple solution is install an inline pump ..this is fitted to the mains as it enters the building ..every time you use water in house the flow switches pump on and pressure is increased fourfold is adjustable can fill a bath in 3 minutes as apposed to 15 can also buy another version call a negative head pump ...this is installed in the mains feed to shower increases water flow to shower only

Aussie Devil

You can't


really all you can do is soak your shower head in vinegar for a day and then see if that helps


there should be a pressure regulator on the water line where it comes into your house, you can turn it up there.

Jimmy C

It depends where. Water comes in from the main supply under high pressure but there is a regulator set by a plumber as it enters the house. Otherwise the pressure would blow your plumbing and water heater apart. You can get a plumber to ceck the pressure and turn up the regulator to the required level if the problem is throughout the house, but often low pressure is the result of the way the plumbing has been done somewhere inside,or even something as simple as the the on-off under the sink.


Use a higher column of water or a pump.