Do i have diabities? my fasting glucose is 101 my a1c1 is( 5.5(3) my estimated average glcuose is 110 comment section said hba1c?
comment section said diabitic guidelines A!C! goal <&=7 additional action sugested >8% so does mean i have diabities , dr appoint this comming friday no phone regarding results - yet
that's normal.
I notice that some clown, who obviously doesn't know as much about diabetes as they think they do, has given amy lynn a thumbs down. Hopefully, my thumbs up will help to alleviate that idiot's thumbs down in some small way. Amy lynn's response is absolutely, 100% correct.
You are not even close to having diabetes. I will be happy to even see an a1c in the 5's again.
amy lynn
Your fasting reading is a little above the normal, but your A1C is great and that is actually the more important of the two readings since the fasting reading is just a one time test and the A1C is a three month average. You do not have diabetes based on the numbers you have listed.
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