Do I have CU or is it really just something else ?
I ve been having this condition for about a month or longer , at first I ignored it thinking it s just a random itch
After a week it really limited my life , I normally walk distances to get my needs and groceries .
I used to be in the Gym for 3 months , sadly I stopped after that and my body is no longer fit as it used to , at that period I NEVER had any sign on CU on my body
In this time whenever I walk outside for a while in a sunny day I break into a severe itch that is just too annoying to ignore , it won t stop until I relax and stay in the shade (it stops almost immediately) I don t get it , I never had this before
When I was young I had a very mild asthma that didn t require medications it seems that I have grown out of it and it no longer exists for even then I wasn t itching .
I will be checking it out at a doctor , but the thought of This illness makes me really anxious I can t sleep due to it , however whenever it occurs I don t see red hives as the online sources describe it
I never itch if I'm in bed with several covers and heavy clothes , never itch if I m standing outside in the hot sun even for hours , it s only when I walk or exercise especially underneath the sun , whenever it happens too I never seem to sweat ..
I really hope it s not something incurable , I had a goal of joining the army since I was a kid , I hope this isn t the end of it .
Note : Taking Allergy Medications stops it for the whole day regardless on how hard I walk or exercise .
only your doctor can tell you what it is so i would let hinn check you out
Chances are it is an allergic reaction. You can be allergic to the sun which the exercise may worsen the symptoms. Definitely see a doctor (allergist). They will be able to figure it out.
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