What s a movie you never want to see again?
Any propaganda BS from Micheal Moore.
Ackiller J
Too many to pinpoint one.
There's a movie called phantasm I saw when I was a kid. parents never show your children this film if they are under 10 because this movie gave me nightmares. Also, I never want to see angel heart again. It was too creepy.
King Kong (2005)
There are loads of movies I never want to see again.
The Blair Witch Project. Should never even have been billed as a movie. HYPE!
Atheist Dude
Jedi Jan
Monty Python's "Meaning Of Life." I simply love Monty Python everything, but this particular movie has a scene where a repulsive man is seen eating in a restaurant and constantly vomiting. I find this particular scene just too far over the top, even for the Monty Python crew. They really pushed the limits with that one!
Louie O
The Human Centipede 2
Bill: Star Trek V
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) - worst big budget movie ever made. Ever. Rotten Tomatoes score: 22% critics / 24% audience. Both critics and audience hated it. I HATED IT. 2 hours of my life I will never get back. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_trek_v_the_final_frontier
The Magus
I saw eleven minutes of 'Requiem for a Dream' and had to tap out.
Jake No Chat
The Human Centipede - Full Sequence. There are others too, but that one tops my list.
Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot
Tidal Wave
Kheli C.
superman long ******* movie
Anonymous: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them: Crimes Of Grindelwald (2018)
An old 1960s movie called "Creation of the Humanoids." It was a sci-fi B movie that was a rip-off of Karel Capek's "R.U.R." and wasn't even a good rip-off at that. Its title was ALSO a rip-off from a popular Jack Williamson series of novels about "The Humanoids" but didn't follow THAT story-line either. It may have been one of the most BORING movies I've ever seen.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Titanic, terrible movie
The hunger games, worst movie ever
None are really that bad, I don't know some mildly ugly arthouse type film like 'The Madness of King George'.
the cheese whisperer
smokey and the bandit -- it was awful