Why do you want to tell your country's culture or history if you study abroad. This is my school's homework.?

Why do you want to tell your country's culture or history if you study abroad? This is my school's homework.

Politically Correct

History can be pretty dry if it is just lists of dates and wars. Far more interesting to get the human interest story such as a family history. Culture is more complex as most, perhaps all, countries have many overlapping cultures. So you could talk about your personal cultural experiences which might be something as simple as the kinds of food you eat or house you live in. Pretty dull unless your audience is 8 years old. But if you wanted to make things more interesting, you could talk about what is considered polite conversation. For example, in the part of the UK where I am from, it is considered very bad manners to ask direct questions except about the weather and your journey. The reasons are fascinating and would merit quite a discussion.


To enlighten the natives.


that question doesn't even make sense in English.