How to get into Yonsei University as an American?

Hi! So, for a while I’ve been interested in attending Yonsei University. However, the information I find is almost all for exchange students or just don’t answer my questions. (I wish to attend for the full 4 years.) Here’s what I wanna know: 1. So, for funding. I’ve been saving, and My parents are going to help me as well. My goal is to have 10-15k saved up in total but is that enough? How do they even check to see if I can “financially afford it”? 2. MY MAIN QUESTION! So for Japanese universities as a native English speaking person, you have to take the EJU to get in. I will do my SAT and ACT next year (i’m only a junior as of now), but is there a certain exam I have to take to get into Yonsei?? (btw if it helps I plan on majoring in Buisness) 3. So, let’s say my GPA isn’t perfect. It’s about a 2.8, but will that be good enough if I get high scores on SAT, ACT, Or any other exam? As well as if I know how to speak Korean at a decent level, and am in a TON of clubs/sports (for example, i’m In Chemistry club, Thespians, Family and Consumer Science club, etc And if I am a Figure skater in the official US. Figure Skating Club?? I can do more clubs and more sports if it helps!!) but yeah, grade isn’t the best because I slacked off freshman year and part of sophomore year

Politically Correct

Yonsei University is one of the three most academic universities in a country that ranks equal first for the highest academics in the world. You would need to be an easy fit for one of the top six US universities to get accepted. By the way, only the US cares about extra curriculars. Everywhere else in the world university is all about academics. If you do not speak. read and write Korean at a close to native fluency, Underwood has courses conducted in English, this college is for international students. Huddling together with other English speakers rather negates the point of studying overseas but you would not need to sit a Korean language exam. Perhaps your Korean is better than your English. Interesting that you cannot even spell your intended major. My hunch is that you should lower your sights.

ibu guru

1. You need to be fluent in Korean at a high academic-technical level of proficiency. Conversational Korean is not enough to handle college coursework. 2. You need sufficient funds for all school + living expenses + return transportation to country of citizenship to apply for student visa if a school accepts you. $15k/year is nowhere near enough. 3. Applying anywhere as a foreign student is very competitive. Your grades are not good enough to consider getting into college, except perhaps community college at home.