I do so many restaurants are of bacon and eggs and sausage for breakfast, why not hamburgers?

I just caught my Ipod mistake(I am on a desktop computer) Why do so many restaurants are of bacon and eggs and sausage for breakfast, why not hamburgers?


Because hamburgers are not traditionally thought of as breakfast.

Donald K

Try asking this question in your native language.


Because most people prefer to eat bacon & eggs for breakfast and not hamburgers.


It's a cultural thing, there is no difference between bacon, eggs and sausage and a burger, both aren't very healthy, but one is preferred at a different time of the day than the other.


Haha I like this guy... that is a fantastic question. From the little knowledge I can draw from myself, it is because of tradition and current human habit, and I know no other reason. In a diner, it's what people expect, so it is what is commonly offered.


It's because Hamburgers are ideally a lunch meal not breakfast. However, having bacon, eggs and sausages are a perfect combination for a breakfast meal, followed by a nice maple syrup pancake or waffle with butter n jam.


To each their own, I had homemade Chinese food for b'fast yesterday: stir fried, shrimp, squid, onions, garlic, spinach & broccoli w/Asian condiments & ingredients

They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage

Costs Pork is cheaper than beef, since people expect to pay less for breakfast than they do lunch, they focus more on pork products. This is also the reason McDs pushes "Breakfast all day."


does it matter? they’re all disgusting. try some fruit and some oatmeal. or waffles.


Nothing to stop you cooking your own.


Sounds like a back street café down the smoke, do you agree Stanley? YEAH I DO BRO. ;-)


Restaurants normally serve 3 meals a day and hamburgers is NOT a Breakfast item.


It's based on what people are accustomed to. And for breakfast that generally doesn't include burgers. When my sister and I were in Hawaii there was a mall with a huge food court. Many of the locals, who are Asian, were eating soups, rice, meat and vegetables, all for breakfast, which fascinated us as Americans go for cereals, etc...


Burger King sell burgers for breakfast


Hamburgers are not normally considered breakfast food


hamburgers are lunch and dinner foods


You could have a bacon or sausage burger??


because thats what people like to order since those items were breakfast food centuries before burgers were popular.

The Oracle of Omigod

Too heavy. A place near here serves a hamburger with eggs.


Jack in the Box has burgers at breakfast time.


Go to Denny's. You can get a burger there anytime of day or night.


hamburgers are for dancing, and breakfast is for popping.