Is the Democratic Party now elitist?


Christian sinner

As I understand it the liberal elitists were very active in the Democratic Party. It's just that since Trump has been elected, the elitists have been scrambling to defame Trump, and create a Globalist's backlash. That's where all the complaints about the borders is coming from, and why some elected Democrats have flip-flopped on the barrier on the border.

Lady Laissez Faire

They have been for quite some time.


both parties are elitist.


Yes! That's why their strongholds are on the rich and expensive West Coast (i.e. California, Oregon, and Washington) and East Coast (i.e. New York) and New England regions. It's why they always get celebrity endorsements. The Dems look down on rural and country folks and people who haven't been to college. Screw them!


No.. you don’t have to be a white gun owning racist rich guy to be a democrat.


No, that’d be conservatives


Did Jerry Rafferty die because of booze? What is wrong with Jerry?


Depends, are you claiming Republicans are richer? Or the tax cut only helped the rich. Dems are richer, but they are not, “The Rich” if they were both at the same time, all they would need to do is write a check to the poor. It’s called motivated reasoning, logic is old school.


No. Unless one is a dung beetle, then it might appear that way.


If elitist means they represent all the Americans that republicans hate, then yes.