I have a7Riii I am not satisfied to my Sony colour How to get canon colour in my Sony camera I am raw shooter I want to effect raw image?
One of the factors that goes into the overall color of an image is the lens that you use. Different manufacturers produce lenses that will have a specific look. For example, if you were to shoot with a Canon 50mm and a Nikon 50mm lens, the two images would look different even though you shot them both on your Sony A7R Mark iii. The Nikon would have cooler color tones while the Canon lens would produce a warmer color palette. So with this in mind, if you want the Canon "look," then you should be shooting with Canon lenses. Now if you want accurate colors, then use a Color Checker Passport (CCP) by X-Rite. What this is, is just a small passport-sized clamshell box that has color swatches in it. You take a photo of the CCP under the same light as your subject. Then in post what you do is use X-Rite's software, open the image file with the CCP in it, and the software will detect all of the various color swatches. The software will then adjust that specific image so that all of the color swatches are exactly what they should be. This will give you the most accurate color possible. Once you do this to the one image, you can then copy the editing settings within Lightroom. Then select all of the images that were shot that day under the same lighting conditions and then paste your edits into them. It's a very quick way of literally editing hundreds of images within a few seconds. Now if you use the CCP while shooting with Canon glass, you may find that the CCP adjusts the look of the image to be neutral or more exact to real life as opposed to the "Canon look." It is at this point that you would need to adjust things like the color temperature to make the image look a little more warm, which is what Canon does to their lenses. Canon does this by applying a special, secret recipe to their coating as does Nikon, Sigma, Tamron, Tokina, etc... Manufacturers need to make sure that all of their lenses produce the same exact look. What they avoid is having each lens produce a different color palette or a different "look." This would obviously be a big problem. So if you want Canon's look, you first need to use Canon lenses. If you don't then you need to figure out just what's different with Canon lenses than with your lenses. More than likely it's a simple adjustment of the color temperature, but I've got a feeling that Canon reproduces some colors differently than Nikon or Pentax or whomever. Once you figure it out, you can save your color editing as a preset within Lightroom, so you only have to figure it once. Getting a CCP will be a huge help in doing this as you can use it to produce an image with a Canon lens and another non-Canon lens, and then compare the various color swatches to each other to end up with a very close rendition of the Canon "look." Hope this helped, cheers.
You're shooting in RAW. If you can't get the colors right in-camera, processing in the computer should nail it.
When you are comparing, are you comparing to the JPEG output of a Canon camera of the same scene, same lighting, same white balance and the same photographer? Canon engineers put their own twist on how a JPEG image looks. If you are shooting raw, then a program like Adobe LightRoom allows you to adjust the warmth, color saturation, contrast, clarity, and a whole bunch of other settings of the image using simple controls. If you can't afford LightRoom, your camera comes with software that can make these adjustments to raw images and output a JPEG. Camera manufacturer's software is rudimentary compared with LR.