Horizontal banding/streaks during video?
Change the bulbs back.
Your friend is correct. You must use a slower shutter speed. You can avoid overexposed videos by either lowering the ISO or by using a neutral density filter. If you have a polarizer filter, that will lower the light level by 2 stops, which may be enough so that you don't need to buy an ND filter. You can easily check if it's the LEDs that are causing the problem simply by using a different type of bulb. Most likely it is the LEDs that are causing the problem. If you want, you can buy this $150 plug-in to remove the banding in your existing video(s): https://www.digitalanarchy.com/Flicker/main.html
John P
Indeed some LED bulbs do give banding in photos - possibly worse with dimmable LEDs. Try another type of bulb. Could you borrow a few different LED bulbs from friends etc? If one type works well, go and buy that type. The same can happen with some fluorescent lights. Ordinary old-fashioned tungsten bulbs generally do not give banding, but cost more to run, give off a lot more heat, and are not "daylight" in colour quality.
SSP Bowl Dude
Change the white balance