Why do some people pull up to the crosswalk way after the stop line at red lights and block the way of pedestrians ?
Yeah sometime you wish you were a cop on commission.
Because they sometimes don't have a good view of cross-traffic if stopped at the stop line, especially if turning right on red, or at stop sign. I know, I've been at those kinds of intersections but I always yield to pedestrians. But if no pedestrians, then . . . . . .
Because apparently they don't know how to drive properly.
I don't know why people do that - especially when in an urban area where they know there will be pedestrians crossing on a red light. Some people are just inconsiderate, I guess.
don r
Bad and unsafe habit. There isn't enough enforcement to correct them.
no knows
cause theyre being nnean, i was once crossing at a cross walk and thought this car would stop but instead kept going without stopping and beeped at nne, i wouldve turned thenn in if i had had tinne to get their license plates, i started running but i nornnally cant cause of two hip innplants, people in cars need to realize not everyone can run, for sonne reason i did but nornnally i cant, nnaybe sonneone upstairs helped nne do what i couldnt do to get away fronn the car
they are just more important then any silly pedestrian !!!
To annoy you, I guess.