If you are a lyft driver in California and ur passenger not wearing seat belt who gets ticket u or passenger?



In California Vehicle Code 27908. (a) In every taxicab operated in this state there shall be a sign of heavy material, not smaller than 6 inches by 4 inches... clearly displayed in view of the passenger at all times ... (1) The name, address, and telephone number of the agency regulating the operation of the taxicab.... Lyft and/or Uber has no such sign, is NOT regulated by a Government Agency. Hence, it is a personal vehicle, not a "taxicab." Hence CVC27315 applies, and if anyone isn't belted in the DRIVER gets the ticket.


If over 16 the passenger is responsible for wearing a seat belt.


You do. You're responsible for the safety of the passenger.

Ron: https

https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=27315. Since a lyft is a contracted ride like a taxi, then taxi laws apply. Passengers in the front seat must be buckled.