2019 Toyota RAV4 Le or 2019 Subaru Outback base?
Your down payment and monthly payments numbers are practically meaningless when comparing two cars. So, how much are you actually paying for each car? Are you getting a discount or rebates? What is the interest rate on the loans? How much interest will you have paid by the end of the loan? Has the dealer added in extra charges for fees and things you don't want? Here's a little exercise to better compare the two cars: Multiply the monthly payment by the number of loan months, and add the down payment. This is the total amount you're paying for each car, not including insurance, taxes, official fees.
I say the Subaru but I would first see if they would throw in the gap insurance and/or the oil changes like toyota is offering you
The Outback base will be disappointing. Get the RAV4.
I would go for the toyota rav4 i would stay away from Subaru because they have the cvt tranny.
The Taxpayer
Both are great. I'd be leaning toward the Toyota...depending where you live. New England and northern states...toss up. The more south you go, the harder they are to find people to fix them.