Is it anyway to get ur own car insurance , it be low or a decent amount or would u have to be under someone names?
Obi Wan Knievel: The wording of your question proves one thing
The wording of your question proves one thing: You're too dumb to understand the real answer.
If you are at least 18 years old, you can certainly buy insurance on your own for your own vehicle. However, if you live at home or are away at school, or are under 18, it's much less expensive if your parents add your car and you as a driver under their own insurance.
Ask an insurance agent what your options are. Your grammar is atrocious. Please stay in school.
Yes, if you are old enough, typically 18. It has to be under someone's name -- but it can be under your name if you are old enough.
If you are legal age - 18 - you call an insurance agency and say you want to buy car insurance. It's that simple. Are you asking about low/decent payments OR low/decent coverage? "Ur" rates will depend on where and how long you've been driving.
Most teens get on their parents. If you are not a teen, being on someone elses is not going to save you anything and it might be insurance fraud.