How much fuel does a airliner hold?



What model and what size? Here is the A330 Airbus. Stats near the bottom of the page: 36,744 gallons

don r

They are not all the same. Measure it in thousands of pounds. Look up the specs of each plane.

Vincent G

Airliners range from small Beechcraft 1900 (19 passengers, 2022 kg of fuel) to A380 (575 passengers, 253983 kg of fuel).


As much as it needs to get to the destination and a little extra.

Big Mike



It depends not just on the tank capacity, but the weight of the plane. A 737, fully loaded with cargo and passengers, isn’t going to be able to hold as much fuel – or fly as far – as one partially loaded. Every plane has a maximum takeoff weight. That includes the weight of the airframe, cargo and fuel. Once you hit that limit – even if the fuel tanks are half full – that’s all the fuel the plane can hold.


The amount required for each journey plus a reserve.

Robert S



It is on Wikipedia. Look it up.


You know airliners come in different sizes?


Over the course of a 10-hour flight, it might burn 36,000 gallons (150,000 liters). According to Boeing's Web site, the 747 burns approximately 5 gallons of fuel per mile (12 liters per kilometer).


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