I m moving into my own apartment next month, all of my mom utilities are in my name. Can I get utilities in my name at my new place to?







No. You need to cancel them at your old place - tell the utility companies that you are moving. Give them your new address and tell them you would like the service turned on the day before. Your mother will have to call them and have the accounts put in her name, which she knows or should know to do.


You can have utilities at multiple houses, no problem, but why not have your moms utilities put into her name? But yes, you can get utilities started at multiple places.

Politically Correct

Of course you can have utilities in your name in two different places. How do you think people who have a country house as well as a place in town manage? In NYC there are plenty of families that own more than two places. But I agree with the others. If your mother's credit is insufficient for her to have the utilities in her name, you will be at risk. What about asking her to gradually migrate them? Maybe she does one at a time over the next few months. Utility may ask for a down payment. Start by migrating the most important (gas, electric and water) and be prepared to disconnect things like internet and cable if she does not pay on time. You probably should not tell her any of that plan.


Have you actually gotten this new place yet? If you you need to look at your credit reports. Since Mom was a damn selfish idiot she may have already ruined your other credit as well. Just call the utility companies and ask, around here you would not be allowed to.

real estate guy

Maybe? If you are current of the bills, their shouldn't be a problem. However, get the other ones out of your name. I'm guessing mom has bad credit or past dues with them.


My mother utilities is in my name at her home. Maybe I should have worded my question better. Can I have utilities in my name at two different addresses?


yes, i made the mistake of not doing that and letting them be under all my ex boyfriends names. now i have no credit despite having paid all my bills on time for 5 years. definetly put them in your own name


I'd be OK with just mom utilities.