What are the rights I have as the shareholder of a company?



None at all, unless you hold 51% or more of the stock.


You can vote for the board of directors, changes in the number of shares, major changes to the company's charter, acquisitions, the auditor, and certain company policies. In addition, you are entitled to distributions if they are granted.


Shareholder can't do nothing but follow the herd.

Casey Y

The same rights an any other shareholder of the same class. In general, this means you get to vote. In practice, unless you own a LOT of stock...your vote is irrelevant.

MeMe MeMe tikle 🏊

none that matter unless you're a majority shareholder. in theory you own a percent of the company's stuff. but they'll sell assets to pay bond holders before share holders.


Not really anything. Sometimes I get stuff in the mail about voting for this or that, or attending the annual shareholders meeting. But it's always in some far-off state.

Steve D

Basically, you are entitled to any declared dividends and you may vote your shares for Directors and any other issue they put to a shareholder vote. Unless you possess 50.01% of the shares (or in conjunction with other a majority), the nest you can do is nominate people for the Board and propose issues to put on the annual shareholders ballot. Here is a quick article on shareholder rights - https://www.investopedia.com/investing/know-your-shareholder-rights/


Read your prospectus.

محمد - نور بروق

Hello, I add, I doesn't know answer for your question, but I refer that may the career is not Realistic because you must commit obliged of times and work circumstances... to long age e.g. to 30 years of working, and we are human and mistake.. thus there are alternatives such as free works, but the work is often for entertainment you shall has outer investment if you can, but frankly my father although my relation with him may not OK but he was work in career -teacher- in the modernity and he was happy where the environment was differ e.g. teach only 3 lessons in a day and some relax between them and the students were respect him.. and the morning sun was nice too, however I think the commit issue stay problem but we can learn from the career moral but not does it factly thus i suggest work free works with career literature if you desire instead apply the career factly.