Stock market. I own stock in pandora where do I go to vote on the SiriusXM pandora merger.?



They will usually send you something through the mail. I don't know why you care though, your single vote won't affect the outcome.


If you qualify to vote you should receive a ballot via mail.


"Pandora's special meeting of stockholders to vote on the transaction is scheduled to be held on January 29, 2019. Stockholders of record as of the close of business on November 30, 2018 will be entitled to vote at the special meeting in person or by proxy. No vote of Sirius XM stockholders is required in connection with the merger. " You should have received a proxy ballot by mail. It is probably too late to submit the proxy ballot unless you return it using next day delivery. If the stock is held in street name you can try contacting your brokerage but I am not sure if they can submit your choice without the proxy being submitted.


You don't. You vote on directors, and they do the voting on operating issues.