Will my minor child's job income effect my income eligibility for medicaid?
If the child lives in the same household as you, then yes. Your eligibility is based on the total income of your household, not just you.
ibu guru
Yes. Total household income from ALL sources must be reported. Any change must be reported within a limited time. So it depends on how much your child earns.
It may since it's based on household income.
Casey Y
Medicaid is calculated by household income. They do this so a household cannot have one person earning lots of money with the rest staying broke to get welfare health insurance. In your case, I know it sucks, but that's what it is.
it could
You have to report it within 10 days of her getting paid but it may or may not hurt your Medicaid case. That depends how much it is.
Yes. Unless you child is getting paid cash and is not recorded anywhere. The other exception is SSI or other government benefit. What kind of job do they have?