What are the health risks with insulation?

Bear with me. Let's say you have a 10 x 10 4" deep "hole" in your back yard and it gets filled in with old Sheetrock and old insulation. (yes seriously) What are the health risks with this?

Insurance Pickle.com

Not sure what this has to with insurance, but it's probably illegal dumping even though it's your own yard. You probably don't have a permit for a landfill.

Casey Y

How old was the insulation?? Asbestos used to be used for insulation. What sheetrock? That Chinese made drywall isn't the greatest stuff...


If it is fiberglass insulation, not a problem.


"old" insulation can contain asbestos. You've heard of asbestos. You know 4" is 4 inches?


Covered over with earth and seed planted, none, to you, but possible contamination of the water table. I don't recommend it for that reason.


You might want to repost this question under a different category like " environment" or Health or Home and Garden.


Unless one is living in the backyard, it should not be a problem. The stuff should be breaking down and decomposing.


None as there will be topsoil on top.

