Can I get a mortgage if I have $10k of credit card debt? But I have 760 credit score and a good down payment and I earn $76k a year?
If the credit card minimum monthly payments when combined with other monthly debt payments do not exceed the debt to income ratio used by the lender, you should be OK.
very possibly. apply.
Howard L
Definitely yes but your question should be at what interest rate.
real estate guy
I don't see a reason why not. The 10k cc debt will only count 250 a month again you. TALK WITH A LENDER. It's free The way mortgages work. There are ratios. usually 28%/36% of income. SO you earn 6,333 a month. THis mean that you COULD qualify for a total mortgage payment of 1773 a month (28% of 6333) and you are allowed 506 a month in other debt (car payment, student loans, credit cards, loans)
Possibly, if your expenses are low.
Probably. But the CC debt will limit how much they will lend.
You are a fool to be paying 18% interest on cc debt while earning a (maximum of) 2% on your "saved for down payment" money. Pay of the cc debt !