I got my belly button pierced a few months ago and it still isn’t healed!?

My belly button is still slightly red at the top(the redness has gotten better lately) and I keep having keloids forming on the bottom hole. There is now a scab on the bottom hole. I have used H2O spray, soaks, and tried other things but nothing has worked and there continues to be some white-ish drainage when the piecing is moved. There has never been any pain though!


Sounds infected. Go back to your piercer and tell the what’s happening. Go to your family doctor or a walk-in clinic too, just to hit all bases


Of course its not done healing yet. It takes this piercing 6 - 12 months to fully heal. It sounds like you aren't taking care of it properly, which is why you are having issues. Go to the drugstore and get sterile saline wound wash spray. This should be near the bandages, the only ingredients should be sodium chloride and water. This is like h2ocean spray but cheaper. h2ocean is a really nice product, but if you run out of it, you can use this and not worry about if its going to be super different. Get some sterile gauze pads too. Saturate a gauze pad with the spray, and hold it on the piercing for 5 - 10 mins. After soaking, use this same gauze pad to gently remove any softened crusties or remove any discharge. Do this morning and evening. The white stuff you see is lymph, basically its dead white blood cells. Your body is sending them to help heal your piercing, and they do their job and die, and the easiest thing for your body to do to get them out of the way is to have them leave through the piercing site. Weird, but its how the body works. If this changes to a light yellow color, thats totally fine. If it changes to a dark yellow color, or a dark green color, that is not ok. This is a sign of infection, and something your doctor needs to know about. All you need to do is soak your piercing like this morning and evening. Nothing more. If you do anything else, it will cause even more irritation, and you will end up having more issues. If the bumps don't start to go away, cal your piercer and ask about the jewelry you have in it. It needs to be implant grade material, if it isn't you might be having an allergic reaction to the jewelry. If this is the case, go back to your piercer and have them change it. You should not change the jewelry on your own, because the piercing is not fully healed yet. Because this piercing takes a long time to heal, the general rule is just be patient and give your body time to heal. Do sea salt soaks morning and evening and just don't mess with it. It sounds like its healing ok, but once you start taking care of it properly it will heal nicely.


It sounds like your body is rejecting the piercing. I had the same experience with mine, had it for over a year and it never fully healed. It's probably too soon to take it out but once you reach the 5-6th month mark, I would consider removing the barbell and letting the hole close. The longer you leave it the more likely it is to leave a scar as it did mine, and it's quite evident even after almost a year of having had it taken out. If you desperately want to have one then safest option is to, again let it close and give it at least a year before you consider re-piercing. If you still want it after a year, visit a piercer, have them look at it and see if it is safe to re-pierce, if so they may just pierce deeper into the skin, as this can sometimes fix the problem but you may have scar tissue residue from the previous one.


you need way more time than a few months for it too fully heal and what you should keep doing is keep cleaning it daily


It sounds infected go back to the piercer and show them. If it keeps up I’d just take it out wait for it to heal and go somewhere else to get it pierced.