Why do big woman and busty woman say they are undesired and hated?

Im a petite woman with small boobs when i come across post on instagram that say thanks for showing real breasts not just the photoshopped small breast men are conditioned to like. Than i see so many hateful comments towards thin woman everywhere i look. Am i missing something? Men always go for curvy to big girls WITH BIG BOOBS. Do that many people have body dysmorphia or need all the attention all the time? Im so sick of the toxic bitches everywhere .


Its mainly in the mind..because your bigger people and media make you feel ugly and vilified.if you get told that enough you start beliving it.people perceive you as a lazy slob wich is mostly untrue from people I know..and bigger boobs yes most men love big boobs no matter if the woman's skinny or large.but they are painful uncomfortable makes sleeping difficult when they jiggle during sex or running for the bus it's extra pain and embarrassing so you don't feel very sexy...if you feel bad about yourself you kinda stick in that rut


Some men figure that out too late. Elizabeth Taylor was once considered the most beautiful and desirable woman in the world...yet she was divorced seven or eight times! She may have had "looks," but there is still something to be said for SENTIMENT and COMMITMENT. Want to chat?


I don’t like big women


Because pic is way better. WAAAAAAY bigger.


I dislike big women. I like big boobs but only if the woman is petite/thin. I would take a woman like you with small boobs (and a corresponding small body) over a bigger girl with bigger boobs any day. The reason these bigger girls post stuff like this is because men generally think the way I do. Yes, some men are into the whole "thick" or ghetto booty thing (which translates into a heavier chick), but most men like slim women. Overweight women know this and rather than get themselves to the gym more often and eat healthier (what a fat guy would be told to do - in other words "suck it up"), they demand that the internet and standards for what is attractive be changed by law. This is one major difference between men and women. When men do not conform to what society deems to be attractive, they are told to either work harder to meet the standard, or accept that they are no good and stop whining about it. When women don't meet the beauty standard, we have a public outcry that beauty standards are unrealistic an they need to change.