Wife doesn't like her husband's art. It includes nudity and sex situations. He sells commissions on his blog. Should he let her censor him?
There is no right and wrong in this situation (as long as everything is legal). Each couple has to work it out between themselves. For some people it would be a deal-breaker for others it's no big deal (and there's a lot of grey area in between).
He shouldn't let her censor him, and she shouldn't attempt to censor him.
That depends. Was hubby an artist before they were married? If so, then it's not right for her to expect him to change IN ANY MANNER, now. She knew what she was signing up for. It's not right for her to try to change the terms after the contract is finalized. If the nudity and sex (in the art) started only after the marriage, then it's still not a black or white situation if he was always an artist. Art changes over time, that is the nature of art. An artist who does not change his art will simply stop being an artist, as you need a creative streak to inspire your art. So if hubby was always an artist, then the wife should probably not have an opinion about the subject of hubby's art work. However, if the nudity and sex in the art is a recent change, it is OK for the wife to discuss her concerns about that (why it bothers her) with her husband. But it would never be OK for her to insist on censoring his art. Not if he was an artist before they were married.
No, don’t let her stop you from making money. Bcuz if you go broke, then she’ll leave you for that too, and then you’ll be single AND broke. It’s better to appear alpha male, confident, dominant and financially successful... she will grumble about it, but she will stay. And eventually she’ll learn to trust you more.
Tim D
Why should it be any different to the situation when the genders are reversed as per your previous question? The question is not about art it is about relationships.
Since there is no "why" as to why she feels that way, it must just be a thought question. And the question states, "she doesn't like his art" -- well.....should he only make pictures SHE likes? What if he doesn't like drawing sandwiches? It never states that she doesn't like the art because of the nudity, although it's written to make the reader get that impression. Considering you basically asked the same question but with sexes reversed a short time ago, I'm guessing this has to do with some paper to be written for school. But if that's the case, the questions are totally not equal in quality. The top answer on your other question gets the same feeling, "why is gender important in this?" but leaves what I said unsaid.
Barb Outhere
Are the subjects of his "Art" appropriate? There is a big difference between "Art" and "Pornography" though many think that line is a blur. So is he calling it "art" and she's calling it Pornography? Some think just calling porn "art" is justification within itself. There's more to this than is shown in the question.
No - but unless they can come to some sort of agreement about this, their marriage is in real danger of collapsing. I couldn't deal with it, but I know someone who managed to tolerate it for years.